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Kabbalah Centre Latin America

The Power of Kabbalah for Teens

  • Oferta
  • $ 200.00
  • Precio normal $ 300.00

Everyone knows it’s not easy being a teen. From peer pressure to academic competition, raging hormones, the struggle to find one’s identity and the meaning of life; your teenage years are uniquely challenging. This book offers thirteen practical steps for teens to take to gain control of their lives and realize the happiness they desire and deserve. Each step includes a thoughtful exercise to help reader’s apply the wisdom to their actual lives.

Difficult topics, such as drugs, alcohol, sex, eating disorders, abuse, family ties, dating, depression and more are addressed with nuanced emotional intelligence and spirituality. This book is enlightening for both teens and their parents!

Product Details
- Paperback
- Age Range: 15+
- Grade Level: 10-12