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Kabbalah Centre Latin America

Yedid Nafshi - Three Volume Set

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  • Precio normal $87.26
  • 5 restantes

The bond between spiritual teacher and his student is one of one heart, one consciousness, united by study and a mutual goal. As these two souls on a path converge, they carry the lineage of previous masters, and ignite the way for future generations. This book is a rare glimpse into such a relationship. Through the correspondence presented in these letters written from Rav Brandwein to Rav Berg between 1965 and 1969, we gain deep insights into spiritual lessons shared by teacher with student. The letters are presented without a filter of interpretation, allowing readers to leave with answers—and more questions—and a yearning for greater wisdom. Rav Brandwein always instructed Rav Berg to review each letter at least three times and see what he could glean to help with his own service of God and humanity.