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The Kabbalah Store

Simplemente Luz: Sabiduría del corazón de una mujer

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For millennia, the teachings of Kabbalah were available only to men. In fact, women were literally forbidden from studying the subject. Karen Berg has spent her life trying to change that. As the cofounder of the Kabbalah Centre International and the author of the groundbreaking God Wears Lipstick, in which she revealed for the first time how women could use Kabbalah’s timeless tools to improve their lives and find greater fulfillment, Berg is arguably the world’s best known and most beloved female Kabbalist. But both women and men respond to Berg’s clear, honest, and forthright manner of speaking and writing — and, indeed, of being. Her new book, Simple Light, is a collection of thoughts, meditations, advice, stories, and life lessons that capture the author’s very essence and give readers tools to learn from and live by. Through her unique perspective, readers gain fresh insight into an ancient spiritual science.