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Kabbalah Centre Latin America

Path to the Light 1-6

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  • Precio normal $ 3,130.00

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Path to the Light Vol 1-6 Genesis & Exodus, which complete the Rav Berg’s commentary on the Book of Exodus, have been compiled and edited from source materials culled from forty years of his lectures given around the world. Throughout this anthology series, each biblical verse is followed by the Rav’s essential commentaries, preserving his passion and humor. Through the Rav’s teachings—gleaned from a wealth of sources ranging from quantum physics to environmental science and astrophysics, the Zohar, the Talmud, the writings of Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari), and many other kabbalists—we gain insight into layers of wisdom that expand our consciousness and support us on the journey in this physical dimension of life -- here and now. A sage far ahead of his time, Rav Berg revealed the true spiritual technology that is the Bible.